There once was a boy and a girl, who met at work. At first he was a little shy about talking to her but somehow he eventually got the courage to do so, the catch was that at that time she was taken but not smitten.
They started to talk and discovered that they had a lot of things in common and got along really well, they could talk for hours and time didn't go by.
Finally she was free, so the boy took a chance and they got together as a couple, and at the begging everything was so great and wonderful, all laughs and hugs and kisses, and she was taken and smitten by him; but then a mistake was made, an awful one.
From here on things started to go down, lot of fights with and with a reason, that eventually took a toll on both of them, and after about 2 years or so together they drifted apart and said their goodbyes or at least they’d try to but they can’t seem to be far apart from each other and stop talking.
So what would be of them? Will they get back together as a couple? Do they have a future? Even if only one of them thinks so.
Only time will tell, for things happen for a reason and people don’t always know what those reasons are.